PayPal Form
Add appropriate items below to your PayPal CART (items marked as 'mandatory' MUST be added to your PayPal cart)....
- Click once on an Add to cart button (below) - a new Cart window will open in your web browser
- IMPORTANT: if you need to add more items to your Cart, just press the Continue shopping button. This will close the Cart window and return you to this Add to cart payment list
- You may also amend or delete items in the cart window prior to clicking the Check out using PayPal button.
1. Pay Membership subscription (annual) - $60
Membership applications/renewals must be accompanied by a completed Membership Form (see more details below).
More info... Membership subscription (annual)
To apply for or renew Membership of the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria, you must complete a Membership Form in addition to paying a subscription fee. Downloadable Membership Forms are available on this website here. Note: if you are applying for CAS Membership for the first time, you must submit a portfolio of your artwork for review by the selection panel. In the event that your Membership application is unsuccessful, you will receive a full refund of your Membership subscription fee.
2. Pay 'Friends of CAS' Membership subscription (annual) - $20
'Friends-of-CAS' Membership applications/renewals must be accompanied by a completed 'Friends-of-CAS' Membership Form (see more details below).
More info.... 'Friends of CAS' Membership subscription (annual)
We offer a discounted 'Friends-of-CAS' Membership subscription rate to non-exhibiting artists and art-lovers. To apply for or renew your Friends-of-CAS' Membership of the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria, you must complete a 'Friends-of-CAS' Membership Form in addition to paying a subscription fee. Downloadable Membership Forms are available on this website here.
3. Add a donation to help CAS (optional)....
Donations of $2 or more to CAS are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!
CAS Inc. is listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCO) and our public fund, the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc Public Fund is eligible to receive tax deductible donations!
The Australian Tax office has endorsed CAS Inc. as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) which enables our fund to receive gifts which are tax deductible to donors.
- You may give a donation to the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc. using your credit card via PayPal, by clicking on the Add to Cart button below.
- The Quantity you enter into the Quantity box will be the number of Australian dollars you want to donate
- Click Add to cart once
- A new browser window should then open, showing your PayPal cart, and the details of your donation
- Check all the details and amend if necessary before clicking Check out with PayPal
Note: Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent to you on request.