A4 Art Australia 2025 ... FAQ
What is A4 Art Australia? A4 Art Australia is an initiative of the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc. (CAS). This is the 12th year we have held A4 Art Australia. It is an exhibition of A4 sized artworks, hence the title, A4 Art Australia. This exhibition showcases A4 sized artworks by both established and emerging contemporary artists and offers all participating artists the opportunity gain exposure for their art at low entry cost. By having a theme of A4 sized artworks, artist's from all over Australia have an opportunity to submit works via Australia Post. We also accept 3 dimensional works, that can be either posted or delivered directly to gallery. (See conditions)
Who puts on A4 Art Australia? The exhibition is run by the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc. The Society is a non-profit organization, run on a voluntary basis by artists for the benefit of artists and those interested in the arts. It is based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and was founded in 1938. We also hold other art exhibitions throughout the year. The Society's primary aims include the fostering and promotion of contemporary art, to further the understanding of it, and to encourage and stimulate artists. For membership enquiries, see the CAS website.
Who is CAS Inc? The Contemporary art Society of Victoria Inc. (CAS Inc.) is an incorporated non-profit art society, run by a committee of practicing visual artists (all volunteers) supporting the Society's aim of promoting contemporary Australian art & artists, with affordable exhibitions. We support both established and emerging artists. CAS is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) by the Australian Tax Office, and is included on the Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCO).
Where is A4 Art Australia being held? For the 12th year A4 Art Australia will be held in the Gallery on Herring Island, (Richmond) as part of the Herring Island Summer Arts Festival 2025, Melbourne. Herring Island is a unique island in the middle of the Yarra River, between Richmond and South Yarra, only 3.5km from the Melbourne CBD
How do I get to the Gallery on Herring Island? A4 Art Australia will be held in the Gallery on Herring Island, (Richmond) It is ONLY accessible by boat or punt. It is a large Island in the middle of a river! Parks Victoria runs a PUNT to the island from Como Landing, South Yarra (Melway reference: 58 G2) The punt runs on the days of the exhibition, between 11am and 5pm. Last punt to Island 4.30pm. Please note: NO punt service 12.30am - 1pm.The island has toilets and barbecue facilities. The Gallery is open 11.00am to 4.30pm.
How long is A4 Art Australia on for? The A4 Art Australia exhibition will be open to the public 11.00am – 4.30pm on the following dates: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 March & 5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21 April 2025. After the end of the physical exhibition, all artworks will be kept by us and available for purchase online until 30th June 2025. Unsold artworks will be returned to artists approximately 2 weeks after this date.
How much does it cost to enter? Entry is $15 per work + 1 x return postage fee for all unsold 2D entries $10 i.e. You enter 3 x 2D artworks @ $15 each = $45, add the one off return postage for 2D artworks @ $10 = Total of $55 payable. 3D entries (only) to include correct return postage (stamps) with 3D works. This is a condition of entry. For 3D entries, we will re-use your packaging and postage (in stamps) for return of unsold 3D entries. If all works sell, and return postage is not required, we will return unused postage to you. 3D entries (only) may be delivered directly to the gallery on the island. 3D artworks will be available for personal collection from the CAS Secretary in Richmond, NOT from the island.
I am a financial member of CAS, do I get free entry? CAS members receive up to 3 (three) entries, at NO cost, but are REQUIRED to assist with ONE session, either sitting, framing, or another task. (Country and Interstate members exempt) CAS members may choose to NOT assist, and pay the $30 non-assist fee. ALL 2D entries require $10 postage for return of 2D (This is payable by all 2D entrants) See conditions.
How do I pay my entry fee? You can pay your entry fee by any of these methods:
• EFT (Direct Deposit) bank details:
Account name: Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc.
BSB: 063001
Account number: 00931548
NOTE: IMPORTANT: Please enter your name in the transfer DESCRIPTION field and also advise payment has been made by sending us an email.
• Credit Card via the secure PayPal site (see below for instructions)
PayPal Instructions:
- Click on PayPal Payments dropdown menu under the Forms-Payments MENU at the top (of this website).
- Select Pay entry fees - A4 Art Australia Exhibition
- Select “A4 Art Australia Entry Fees” Button, fill in the QUANTITY of entries you wish to enter, then click “add to cart”.
- A window displaying “My Cart” will appear, showing the number of entries you are entering, and a total amount in dollars. (Note: if you wish to CHANGE the amount of entries at this time, select the TRASH icon, and you will empty your cart.) If the number of entries is correct, click the button: “Checkout with PayPal” wait for the secure PayPal page to load, then either:
- Use your PayPal account, enter your password and follow instructions. OR
- If you do not have a PayPal account, select “Don’t have a PayPal account?” and follow instructions.
Note: PayPal will automatically issue you an email / receipt. This is your official receipt for entry payment.
Why is it so cheap to enter? CAS Inc. is run by volunteers, and we subsidise the entry cost, so as to make this show accessible to artists. We do welcome donations! You can make a TAX DEDUCTABLE DONATION (for amounts over $2) via our website!
How do I enter? Entry is ONLY available online, at the Society's website, www.contemporaryartsociety.org.au if you have any enquiries you can phone us on: (03) 9428 0568. Completed artworks (2D and posted 3D, see conditions of entry) must be received by us by the deadline for entry, Tuesday 18 February 2025.
When is the entry and artwork receipt deadline? Return completed entry forms, correct payment (do not send cash) and your 2 dimensional works (A4 size) or your posted 3D artworks, by close of business, 5pm, Tuesday 18 of February 2025. All 2 dimensional entries to be submitted by Australia Post. Entry fees can be paid by PayPal / cheque / EFT / money order / online credit card. (Note: Our minimum allowed charge of $10 for payment by credit card). If you are making your payment by cheque or money order, please make it out to: Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc. Post to: Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc., P.O. Box 283, RICHMOND, Vic 3121. Late entries will not be accepted and will be returned to sender.
How often is the show held? This is the 12th A4 Art Australia exhibition.
How many artworks can I enter? Each artist can enter up to 4 artworks (see conditions)
What is the price I should put on my work? This is up to you! The entry price is set by you, remember that a commission of 25% applies to your work if sold. eg: You have an art work for sale for $60.00 the commission payable (at 25%) to CAS is $15.00 Therefore the amount payable to the artist would be $45.00 when it sells. The frame cost ($10.00) is added to the entry price. See frames for more information.
Why are all the 2D (2 Dimensional works) framed? For this exhibition, All 2D artworks will be presented to the public framed. All 2D artworks must be no larger than A4 size: 297 x 210mm, with a total maximum thickness of 3mm. This gives a professional appearance to the works, protects them during display, and keeps entry costs down for artists as they do not have to post us framed works.
Can I use my own frame? No. For uniformity of the exhibition, all 2D works will be presented in the frames provided by CAS.
Can I exhibit my 2D artwork unframed? No. For uniformity of the exhibition, all 2D works will be presented in the frames provided by CAS.
Do I get to keep the frame if my work doesn't sell? No. All 2D works remaining unsold at the end of the exhibition will be unframed, and the unframed 2D artwork/s returned to the artist by prepaid post. The frames remain the property of CAS and will be reused for the next A4 Art Australia Exhibition.
Who pays for the frame? (2 Dimensional works only) For this exhibition, CAS has purchased and will frame ALL 2 dimensional artworks accepted for the exhibition. The cost of the frame is passed on to the PURCHASER (a flat rate of $10.00) This cost is added to the ENTRY price set by the artist. Eg: an artist has an artwork entered where they have put $60 in as the entry price. We add $10.00 to this, so the catalogue price is shown as $70.00. CAS only takes commission on the price as entered by the artist, and this way we are able recoup the cost of the frame ($10.00)
What about G.S.T.? CAS Inc. does not collect G.S.T. All prices must be total selling price. Any G.S.T. Liability between the artist and the A.T.O. Remains the responsibility of the artist.
What type of artworks can I enter? You can enter either 2D or 3D artworks. 2D artworks can be: paintings, drawings, photography, collage, using media such as pastel, ink, pencil, watercolour, gouache, oil, acrylic, photographic media, printmaking, etc. Substrate can be paper or card, photographic paper etc. Note: maximum thickness (total) is 3mm. 2D artworks thicker than this will not be accepted. 3D artworks can be in any stable media, and must be free standing (no hanging works)
Can I enter an artwork from an edition? Yes. If you are entering an artwork that is from a multiple edition, eg: a print, Please state the size of the edition, and the number remaining (available) in the edition - e.g: photographic print, one of five (1/5) four remaining. This is so it is clear to purchasers if the artwork is a “one off” or part of a multiple (edition).
Can I enter an artwork made by someone else? No. All works entered must be the original work of the artist entering it.
What about copyright? All works entered must be the original work of the artist entering it. Upon acceptance of entry to the exhibition, the artist agrees to allow CAS the right to photograph all artworks entered for exhibition, for the society's records / and website, and for promotion and publicity purposes.
What are the size restrictions? The 2D (2 dimensional) artworks entered must conform to a maximum size of an A4 sheet. This is 297mm by 210mm. Maximum allowed thickness is 3mm, as this is the maximum thickness we can frame under glass in the frames provided. 2D artworks entered that exceed these dimensions will be rejected. Entry fees for OVERSIZE artworks will not be refunded.
The 3D (3 dimensional) artworks entered must conform to a maximum size of an A4 sheet, with ONE side (depth, height or width) being NO longer than the longest side of an A4 Sheet being 297mm. The OTHER TWO SIDES (depth, height or width) of the sculpture must be NO longer than the shortest side of an A4 Sheet being 210mm. 3D artworks entered that exceed these dimensions will be rejected. eg: Maximum size of 297mm x 210mm x 210mm. Entry fees for OVERSIZE artworks will not be refunded.
How will my 2D artwork look in the frame? All 2D artworks will be framed in the frames provided by CAS. Please note: the frame fits a A4 sheet 297mm x 210mm. The frame will cover the edge of the artwork (A4) on all sides by approx. 4mm each side. Please keep this in consideration when submitting / designing your entry.
Which way up will my work be displayed? 2D artworks may be displayed in either a vertical or horizontal format when framed. Please indicate on the back of your 2D (2 dimensional) entry the top of the artwork, by drawing an arrow on the back pointing to the top of the artwork. 3D artworks entered should have a label attached underneath the work.
Is there a selection process? This is an “open call out” exhibition to all artists, and we welcome all artists to enter, however, the C.A.S. Inc. reserves the right to decline to exhibit any work, at any time. Unselected works will be returned to the artist at the end of the exhibition. The C.A.S. Inc. committee’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Unsafe, oversize or wet works will be rejected.
When & where do I deliver my artworks? All 2D artworks for this exhibition are to be delivered by Australia Post, and are to be delivered to: Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc., P.O. Box 283, RICHMOND, Vic 3121. Works must be received by close of business, 5pm, 18 February 2025. For this exhibition, we are unable to accept any personal delivery or return of 2D works. We advise you sandwich you artwork between 2 pieces of cardboard when packing in your envelope, and write “Fragile Artwork. Do not Bend” prominently on the outside of your envelope. 3D artworks may also be sent by Australia post (please ensure all artworks are well packaged, as any artwork received damaged will not be exhibited). Artists entering 3D artwork may personally deliver directly to the gallery (3D artworks only, no 2D) No courier deliveries / pick up accepted. Sculptures are to be delivered to the gallery on Herring Island strictly between within the hours of 9.30am - 10.30am on Tuesday 25 February 2025. Access is by PUNT from Como landing. Punt will ONLY run for this time of delivery. Late works NOT accepted.
What about the return of my unsold works? All 2 dimensional artworks entered remaining unsold at the end of the exhibition will be returned by mail to artist (in an Australia Post approved Envelope, supplied by us) at end of exhibition for a once off $10 flat fee, (payable at time of entry) covering return of one to four 2D artworks. Note: No packaging for any 2D artwork submitted will be retained or reused.This covers the cost of the padded envelope and artwork postage, and provision of an Australia post parcel tracking number. Artworks will be returned AFTER end of online exhibition, ending 30th June. Works will be returned approximately 2 weeks after this date.
Artists whom have entered 3D artwork by Australia Post must ensure sufficient postage is supplied (at time of entry) to cover return of unsold works. We will re-use the packaging in which you submitted your 3D works. Any unused postage will be returned.
OR Collecting unsold 3D artwork: Sculptures that are to be personally collected will be available from the CAS Secretary in Richmond, NOT collected from the island. Sculptures will be available for collection AFTER 30th June 2025. Artists must collect sculpture by 14 July 2025
3D Artworks remaining uncollected after this time will be removed to storage (not on the island) and will incur a $10 late collection fee, (per work) payable before works collected. CAS will not be liable for any 3D works remaining uncollected after 14 days, and they will be removed from storage and disposed of.
Is there an opening? The official opening will be held at the Gallery on Herring island on Saturday 1 March 2025. The opening will be held from 1.00pm - 3.00pm (duration) with the official launch 1.30pm to be opened by Mr. Robert Lee, President of the Contemporary Art society of Victoria Inc. (Other dignitaries to be confirmed) Entrants and their guests are invited to attend.
Can I get some invitations to send to friends? On the CAS website will be a “downloadable” colour invitation. You can forward it to friends, or print off copies to give out at work, school, put on your local notice board etc. An electronic invitation will be sent to all entrants by email. We encourage all entrants to circulate this invitation, and invite your guests to attend.
How do I know I am selected / in the show? We will email all entrants with an e-invitation, this has ALL THE NAMES of the artists selected for the exhibition.
Who would see my artwork? As an exhibitor, your A4 Artwork would be seen by invited guests, previous art purchasers (CAS sends out invitations to all previous art purchasers) tourists and visitors to the island. e-invitations promoting the event will also be widely distributed. We anticipate many visitors to the exhibition!
Is my work photographed? ALL exhibited works will be photographed by the society, and displayed on the dedicated section of the CAS website, at the end of the exhibition. Copyright remains with the artist. This service is included as part of your entry fee.
Do I have to be a member of CAS? No, this is an “open call out” exhibition to all artists, and we welcome all artists to enter. Note: CAS members receive 3 free entries, as a benefit of membership
How is A4 Art Australia publicised? We have an extensive e-mail list and information promoting the exhibition will be distributed widely. An email campaign promoting the event is also in place. Posters and flyers will also be sent to a variety of media outlets. Advertisements promoting the exhibition will be placed in Art Almanac and other publications. We will also promote on our website, and promote via social media, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Artwork sales? Our easy-to-identify volunteer sales staff (CAS committee) will be on hand to transact sales during the opening, and the days of the exhibition. Payment can be made by cheque, money order or by credit card. CAS can take Mastercard, Visa and also a range of debit cards. We are able to electronically verify all transactions to ensure payment has been processed. CAS applies a sales commission of 25% on all sold artworks. Purchasers will only be able to receive their purchase when it has been paid for in full. All entrants who have made sales will be posted a cheque by CAS 30 days after the online e-exhibition, 30th June 2024.
Can I take my artwork out of the show early? No. It is a condition of entry that exhibitors agree for their A4 artwork entry/ies to remain on show for the exhibition duration, early collection will not be permitted. CAS, at its discretion may allow purchasers to collect works during the exhibition, under special circumstances: ie: purchased by an overseas visitor, leaving the country. After the end of the physical exhibition, all artworks will be kept by us and available for purchase online until 30th June 2024. Unsold artworks will be returned to artists approximately 2 weeks after this date.
Can someone buy a A4 Artwork after the end of the show? Via the CAS website? CAS will put up images of all exhibited A4 artworks on our website. After the end of the physical exhibition, all artworks will be kept by us and available for purchase online until 30th June 2024. Unsold artworks will be returned to artists approximately 2 weeks after this date. After the end of the online exhibition, if we receive a enquiry or request to purchase a work, (this includes international enquiries and sales) we will contact the artist to see if the artwork is still available, if so, and the purchaser wants to proceed with the sale, we then require you to post us the artwork. Once payment has been received from purchaser, CAS will send by registered post or courier the item to the purchaser. The normal commission of 25% (as per entry conditions) applies. Note: CAS will also deduct the cost sending the purchase by registered post from the amount payable to the artist. (eg: small item within Australia, about $10.)
Is there a poster available for the show, that I can put up at work? Yes! On the CAS website will be a “downloadable” poster. Please feel free to print off copies and put up at work, school, your local notice board etc.
Are there any tasks I can help with? We welcome volunteers to assist with the set up of the exhibition, opening, or staffing the sales desk during the exhibition. Please contact our secretary, Cressida on 0407 059 194 or 9428 0568
to assist. We encourage you to participate in the “hands on” parts of running the event. You can also help by telling others that you have your artwork on display in the exhibition! Send out the e-invitation (by email) or print it off and give to friends! The more people who go along and view the exhibition, the greater the chance that they might buy one of the amazingly affordable and desirable A4 artworks!
Any further questions? Please email us if we have not covered your enquiry here.
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